Let Them Eat Fish … errr Cake!

Let Them Eat Fish … errr Cake!

In light of the global warming and the depletion of our mother earth’s resources, it’s sometimes hard to keep a smile on your face.

Turns out that Marie Antoinette or Marie-Thérèse or whoever it was that made that statement so long ago, was right! What’s this all about, you ask me?

I was just reading an article about how many freshwater fish you should eat that are caught in New Jersey and how many seafood items you should eat. It was very discouraging to read. We really are messing up this great big beautiful world that we live in and it almost seems that no one cares. But I care! Don’t you?

The article gives links to some safe and ecologically sound eating guides for these times we live in. I highly recommend you check it out. (It’s a quick read.)

You can read the article here:

Seafood lover’s dilemma: eat healthy, be eco-friendly

Well try to eat healthy and do something good for our environment and I’ll catch you later!
