The Tenth Day Of Christmas

On the tenth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, ten spinners spinning, nine jigs a jigging, eight bobbers bobbing, seven sinkers sinking, six kits for rigging, … five purple worms … four rebel lures, three weedless hooks, two spools of line and a fishing pole complete with a reel.

Are you a fan of spinning lures? I am! When I was younger, my family and I travelled all over the USA as well as Canada. Every place we went, I looked at the fishing lures and usually bought a couple. So I have many spinning lures that don’t really produce for me in my current area in which I live (Southern NJ, USA), but I still like to look at them and dream about going back to where I bought them and catching a huge lunker with them!

Fishing in the shallower waters of New Jersey means that you’ll need a lighter spinner – one that doesn’t sink too much or run too deep. I have two favorite spinners that I like to use. When I’m looking to catch bass, I’ll pull out one of my panther-martin spinners. They’re small but boy do they attract the bass! Never heard of a panther-martin? Well check them out here:

I caught a very nice 5 pound bass on my favorite panther-martin in our local creek. It has a feather tied to the treble hook at the back of it. I’m always amazed that such a large fish would be attracted to such a small lure!

So what do you use if you want a trout or some other game fish besides bass? Well I like to use rooster tail spinners. Here’s what a rooster tail spinner looks like:

When we were in Banff National Park in Canada, we rented a boat and went fishing for trout in one of the local lakes. My brother and I both were using a rooster tail. Mine was black and his was red. Other than the colors, the lures were identical. The result? I outfished my brother 3 to 1! And I caught the largest fish that day – a beautiful 3-4 pound Kamloop trout. So do yourself a favor and get a black rooster tail spinner! 😉

Any other spinners that you may know of that deserve mentioning here? Please write and let me know.

Catch you later.
