Fresh Water Fishing – Hall Of Fame?

I was reading through some of my e-mails and saw a nomination for the fresh water fishing hall of fame.

Now this isn’t the first time of heard of the FWFHoF, but it’s the first time I’ve really thought about it!

And I was wondering why there should even be a Hall of Fame for freshwater fishing? Fishing to me is personal. It’s me time and at times it’s also family time. But the lure of fishing for me is the ability to get away and spend some quality time with nature and enjoy trying to outwit a bass!

If I don’t catch anything – no big loss. I usually have a great time just being outdoors!

So why is there a hall of fame for this? I guess maybe we need to honor those who fish for sport and money? You know those guys/gals that catch more fish than everyone else and can have bragging rights as well as sponsor’s money, and actually make a living at fishing.

I haven’t actually read the qualifications for being nominated to be a Hall of Famer, so I’m not sure just why we need this.

Have any of you folks out there ever been to the “Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame”?

If so, could you post here and tell me what you thought of it and why you like or dislike it?

I’m just curious!?!


Catch you later.

What Freshwater Fishing Rod Do You Use?

Wow! It’s been quite a while since I’ve made a post. So lets get right to it.

I was reading about a new fishing rod made by “Element 21” that actually uses some bio-technology to add carrot fibers into the rod creation process! Can you believe that? Very cool.

I’ve used my good ole trusty Garcia Mitchell for about forty years and it hasn’t ever failed me. It was top of the line and is a lite-ultralite rod. It makes it very easy casting the light lures I like to use and I’ve landed some nice 5-6 lb fish on it.

But after reading about these new “Carrot Stix” fishing rods, I’m tempted to buy one and check them out. So I was wondering if any of my readers have any experience with these new rods? If you do, please post a comment here and let me know how you like it? I would really appreciate it!

If you’ve never heard of these rods (like me, before today) you can check them out at their site. Just click on the link below:

Carrot Stix Fishing Rods

From what I’ve read, they just signed a distribution agreement with “Dick’s Sporting Goods” so they should be fairly easy to find in the very near future!

So come on guys/gals and share your experiences with these new and interesting rods please.

Catch you later.