Freshwater Fishing and Conservation

If you’ve read some of my posts here, you’ll know that I am a conservationist at heart! I love the outdoors and try to help keep it preserved whenever I can. So as I was reading through some online news headlines, one caught my eye that warranted further attention:

“Fishing line recyclers located in Marshall”

So I decided to click and read what this was all about. It seems that down in Alabama, the group PALS (People Against a Littered State) has placed recycling containers in appropriate places so that fishermen can deposit their “bird’s nests” and other un-usable monofilament line. Very cool idea! Especially when you consider the fact that the monofilament line can last for hundreds of years and isn’t biodegradable.

Check out the article here:

Monofilament Recycling

Have a great day and I’ll catch you later!
