First Freshwater Fishing Trip – 2011

Finally had a chance to go fishing last weekend!

First trip this year, so it was important that my 7 year old son had a successful trip!

We stocked up on some worms and took a few lures as well. Checked over the rods and reels and everything looked good!

We were ready to go. So we headed over to our local stream and began fishing. Since there is a current in the stream, I gave my son a few pointers about fishing with a bobber and live bait and letting it drift while keeping the line fairly tight. After a few casts, he had his first fish! Caught a “roach” fish.

A few worms and casts later and he had his second roach. It was late in the day so we didn’t stay real long, but it was still fun for both of us.

Yeah … Dad caught a small roach and a sunny as well.  🙂  But most of all, Dad got to spend some quality time with his son!

I’ll post some pictures of the fish next post.

Hope you all have successful fishing trips this year!

Catch you later.

What are your best fishing tips, lures, and gear?

Do you have any ways of catching fish that never fail? Ways that you use when all else fail? I’ll give you mine. My best way to catch trout which almost never fails is to use yellow Powerbait. My best bass lure is a five inch plastic worm with curly tail a size 1/0 offset wide gap hook. I also heard a spinner called the "Midnight Special" is an amazing lure to fish at night for bass. A live worm and a hook will catch just about any freshwater fish.

Those are my surefire ways to catch fish. I do just about every type of fishing, so any kind of lures or tips will work. I am very experienced, and don’t need any beginner tips. I gave you my tricks, now what are yours?

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