The Secret Improves Freshwater Fishing Results

Your Attitude Can Affect Your Fishing results!

With all this talk about “The Secret” and calling positive energy into your life, it reminded me of an article I read years ago on how to improve your catch while fishing. I believe it was an article in “Field and Stream” but I’m not 100 percent certain of that.

Anyway, what I remember from the article was that the writer was talking about his friend and how he approached fishing. His friend didn’t really act like he was going to catch anything when they went fishing together and most often, he wouldn’t. He didn’t expect to catch anything, though he had high hopes of doing so.

The author went on to explain that since his friend didn’t expect to catch anything, each time he would get a strike, he would miss setting the hook and would ultimately miss catching the fish. The author then extolled the virtues of expecting to catch a fish – how you would cast a certain way and how when you got a strike, you’d be ready to set the hook and this would improve your chances of catching a fish. He also said to envision that a fish was following your lure and was about to strike at any moment.

I was young at the time I read it but I thought about it and put that piece of advice into practice. It has proven itself time and time again! I would almost always out-fish anyone I happened to be with and usually caught the biggest fish when a group of us would go fishing! Was it this “secret’ that caused me to be more successful? I can’t say for sure, but I can certainly tell you that it didn’t hurt!

Think about it – seriously – and it should make sense to you. If you’re ready to catch a fish, you’re more likely to do just that!

I had occasion to share this article’s idea with my sons when we went fishing over this summer. It was a hot sunny day and my older son was saying “there’s no fish here – we won’t catch anything!” I explained to the two of them how your attitude can affect many things in your life … including fishing! I then told them about the article and it helped my older son turn around his thinking.

Did we catch any fish that day? Sure we did! And I’ll bet that our attitudes had something to do with that!

Here’s hoping your attitude helps you catch more fish as well!

Catch you later.