Freshwater Fishermen vs Saltwater Fishing License

Freshwater fishing is my favorite, but once in a while I may go saltwater fishing.

It’s not a common occurence, but when I do go, it’s usually in Townsend’s Inlet, NJ or Cape Cod for stripers. But it looks like there’ll soon be no more unlicensed saltwater fishing for me and anyone else living in the USA!

Tough times and all the mess that the economy is in are being used as the latest excuse to grab more of our money. What do you think about that? I’m not real happy about it.

I was reading a post about the subject in the Times of Trenton Sports News section. You can check it out here:

Unfortunately, it looks inevitable for a saltwater fishing license, but it’s still not too late to write your state representatives and let them know your thoughts!

Catch you later.