Where is The Time Going?

Hi Folks,

How has your summer been going?

Have you had much time for fishing?

I sure haven’t! I’ve been so busy with work that I haven’t gotten the chance to get out on the lake or stream.
Consequently, I haven’t been posting much about fresh water fishing here!

My older son left back in June to join the US Navy and so that’s one less voice to prod me into making the time to go fishing. But my younger son still asks me every once in a while.

So since I can’t recount any fishing tales here, how about some of you post a reply and let us all know how you’re making out fishing?

I’d sure love to hear some good freshwater fishing stories!

I’ll try and get some time to pull out the ole trusty rod and reel and let you know how I made out as soon as I can.

In the mean-time, have a great summer and may your creels be full.
(Does anybody even use a creel anymore? Do you all know what a creel is?)

Catch you later.

Largest Fresh Water Fish Ever Caught

Reading through the news today I saw this article about the largest fresh water fish ever caught with a rod and reel. Actually I wouldn’t call it a fish, but that’s just a technicality I suppose!

It was a stingray! You know the kind that caused the “croc hunter” Steve Irwin’s death. This one was caught in Thailand. It weighed 55 stones, which converts to 770 pounds! Check out the article below:

World Record Fresh Water Fish

Maybe some day you or I will get that lucky!

Here’s to our success!

Catch you later.

PS – Markel Boat Insurance has sponsored this post!