The Second Day Of Christmas

On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 2 spools of line and a fishing pole complete with a reel!

You know, I still have spools of mono filament line from back in the 70’s! Really! I used to buy the 1000 yard spools at J M Fields and they still have lots of line on them! What line do I recommend? Well I use 4 pound test for most of my freshwater fishing. If I’m going into weeds and lily pads, I’ll use a 6 lb. test. Sure it’s challenging using a lighter test line – that’s why I do it!

Do you need a “big name” fishing line? Not really. I’ve heard complaints about some cheap types of line always creating birds nests but my experience hasn’t proven this. So go ahead – get yourself one of those big spools of fishing line. I found some online here:

So … what will the third day bring? Stay tuned!

Catch you later.