What Freshwater Fishing Rod Do You Use?

Wow! It’s been quite a while since I’ve made a post. So lets get right to it.

I was reading about a new fishing rod made by “Element 21” that actually uses some bio-technology to add carrot fibers into the rod creation process! Can you believe that? Very cool.

I’ve used my good ole trusty Garcia Mitchell for about forty years and it hasn’t ever failed me. It was top of the line and is a lite-ultralite rod. It makes it very easy casting the light lures I like to use and I’ve landed some nice 5-6 lb fish on it.

But after reading about these new “Carrot Stix” fishing rods, I’m tempted to buy one and check them out. So I was wondering if any of my readers have any experience with these new rods? If you do, please post a comment here and let me know how you like it? I would really appreciate it!

If you’ve never heard of these rods (like me, before today) you can check them out at their site. Just click on the link below:

Carrot Stix Fishing Rods

From what I’ve read, they just signed a distribution agreement with “Dick’s Sporting Goods” so they should be fairly easy to find in the very near future!

So come on guys/gals and share your experiences with these new and interesting rods please.

Catch you later.

Largest Freshwater Fish – A Perch?

What do you think of when someone tells you they caught a perch? You probably think of a small panfish – fun to catch and release, but not big enough to keep and eat. Right?

You can check out some pictures of our typical North American perch here:Labor Day Freshwater Fishing Fun (My sons caught those!)

So imagine how surprised I was as I read that the perch in Africa can get to be huge. How huge? Well check this out:

Largest Freshwater Fish - Nile Perch

Click on the picture to see a full size view.

That’s quite a large freshwater fish!?! You’ll be amazed to learn that the man who caught the fish had to fight off a crocodile while trying to land the fish! Wow … and I thought I had it hard fishing – fighting my way through the briar patches and dealing with ticks! lol It kind of reminds me of a real life version of Ernest Hemingway’s “The Old Man And The Sea” – only this was in freshwater.

Anyway – you can see more pictures and read the whole story here:
Man vs. Crocodile vs. Giant Nile Perch: An African Fishing Adventure

Hope you have a great day! And a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!

Catch you later.